16th European-African Regional Conference of the ISTVS
October 11-13, 2023 | Lublin, Poland
Mon 2023-10-02 update Pesentation Template posted here
The conference is an opportunity to present and disseminate the latest scientific and technological achievements in the field of vehicle-terrain systems.
Both representatives of science in the field of mechanical engineering, vehicles and machines, mechatronics and automation, soil science, agriculture and environmental engineering, as well as professionals from industry, business environment and government agencies for whom the issues discussed at the conference are an important merit are invited to participate. The organizers also count on the participation of students from under- and postgraduate courses.
The intention of the organizers is to create a friendly atmosphere and comfortable conditions for holding plenary sessions, focusing on the following issues:
soil and other deformable traction substrates including Martian and lunar regolith, snow, moschus, etc., mechanical characterization for advanced field mobility modeling as well as for minimizing the effects of soil compaction and erosion, with particular emphasis on the impact of weather factors;
driving systems of vehicles and machines, including innovative concepts of tires, wheels, and tracks for energy-saving traction;
propulsion systems, engines, mechatronic systems, and vetronics to meet the high requirements of individual customers as well as increasingly stringent environmental protection standards;
issues of regolith research of celestial bodies, the moon, Mars, asteroids for practical solutions in the field of mobility, autonomous, and robotic systems;
metrology in terramechanics, in particular new solutions for remote, autonomous measurements, using AI and maintenance-free devices and systems;
off-road vehicle dynamics;
manned and unmanned vehicles including off-road robots;
issues in the field of terramechanics and vehicle-terrain systems not mentioned above.
Jarosław Pytka Conference chair | j.pytka@pollub.pl Faculty of Mechanical Engineering | Lublin University of Technology
Michał Kuszneruk Conference registrar | m.kuszneruk@pollub.pl Lublin University of Technology

Key dates
14 February 2023
Abstract submissions open
15 March 2023
Abstract submissions close
30 March 2023
Authors’ notification
20 April 2023
Registration opens
31 May 2023
Full papers deadline
30 June 2023
Authors’ notification
31 July 2023
Early bird registration closes
15 August 2023
Technical tour registration closes
31 August 2023
Reviewed papers deadline
4 October 2023
Registration closes
11-13 October 2023

Organizing committee
Jarosław Pytka, Chair Aleksander Czajka Leszek Gardyński Mateusz Klepka Michał Kuszneruk Rafał Longwic Aleksandra Tatarynow Dawid Tatarynow Paweł Tomiło Gracjana Woźniak-Borawska
Scientific committee
Jarosław Pytka, Lublin University of Technology, Poland, Chair Dariusz Błażejczak, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Poland Piotr Budzyński, Lublin University of Technology, Poland Schalk Els, University of Pretoria, South Africa Rámon Gonzalez, robonity, Spain Bradley Hansen, US Army Corps of Engineers, U.S.A. Rainer Horn, CAU Kiel, Germany Heidi R. Howard, US Army Corps of Engineers, U.S.A. Genya Ishigami, Keio University, Japan Jerzy Józwik, Lublin University of Technology, Poland Thomas Keller, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden Peter Kiss, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hungary József Kövecses, McGill University, Canada George Mason, Mississippi State University, U.S.A. Massimo Martelli, National Research Council, Italy Lutz Richter, SoftServe, Inc., Germany Dror Rubinstein, Ariel University, Israel Vilas M. Salokhe, Kaziranga University, India Corina Sandu, Virginia Tech, U.S.A. Przemysław Simiński, University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Poland Thomas R. Way, USDA-ARS, National Soil Dynamics Lab, U.S.A. Vladimir Vantsevich, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, U.S.A. Artur Zdunek, Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Poland
A honorary patronage of:

Thu 2023-09-14 update Check out parallel session schedule here
Fri 2023-09-08 update Copyright Assigment Form posted here
Thu 2023-08-31 update Information about the pre-conference short course is now available here
Tue 2023-08-08 update We’re pleased to announce that abstracts for all full papers and abstract-only submissions have been published: Full-paper submissions // Abstract-only submissions
Fri 2023-07-28 update Conference early bird registration closing 2023-07-31 >> REGISTER NOW HERE
Thu 2023-04-20 update Conference and professional course registration with early bird pricing now open here
Tue 2023-04-18 update Paper template now available on the Submissions page here
Thu 2023-03-09 update
We are excited about two conference updates
Technical tour // Military Institute of Automotive and Armour Technology, Sulejówek, near Warsaw. The tour will include a short presentation, visiting outdoor laboratories, and a presentation of test stands and vehicles. The tour will be followed by a visit to Kazimierz Dolny, with an opportunity for sightseeing and dinner in a restaurant.
Pre-conference short course — Elements of off-road vehicle design, dynamics, and terramechanics // The Lublin conference committee has scheduled a one-day technical course to precede the conference, on October 10. Confirmed presentation on Off-Road Vehicle Design Fundamentals by Dr. Zbigniew Kiernicki, Lublin University of Technology, Poland, and other presenters to be announced.
Deadline for submissions // Next week, March 15. Submit now.
Deadline for submissions now Thu 2023-03-30 (updated Thu 2023-03-16)
Last updated