6690 / Comparative evaluation of methods to evaluate penetration resistance for Clegg hammer and...

Paper presented at the 16th European-African Regional Conference of the ISTVS


Title: Comparative evaluation of methods to evaluate penetration resistance for clegg hammer and cone penetrometer

Authors: Mohit Nitin Shenvi, Corina Sandu, and Costin Untaroiu

Abstract: The computation of the sinkage and penetration resistance in deformable terrains is an important aspect for the evaluation of the terrain properties from a terramechanics perspective. The Clegg Impact Hammer and the Cone Penetrometer are two widely used devices for evaluating the penetration resistance of soils, primarily. Variants of the cone penetrometer technique that have been used for snow evaluation are the Rammsonde and the Russian Snow Penetrometer, and very few studies exist for using the Clegg Impact Hammer technique for snow. For terrain such as higher compaction snow, like the one used in ASTM F1805 traction testing of tires, the process of measuring the terrain resistance becomes very complex. In this work, the Clegg Impact Hammer and an in-house developed device inspired by the Russian Snow Penetrometer are employed to measure the properties of compacted snow. This work focuses on the relative evaluation of the sinkage and penetration resistance parameters based on the classical methods widely used in literature and two new proposed hypotheses for the evaluation of the outputs of these two devices respectively. The results of the comparison provide insight into the amount of variation that is possible in the calculation of these two parameters. Analysis of the results from a physics-based perspective will be discussed. Future work in this field would be an evaluation of sinkage and penetration resistance of several different terrain types to validate the proposed hypothesis and/or provide correction factors to the hypothesis based on the field testing results in different terrains.

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