6736 / Ride comfort comparison between 4-poster and straight line driving simulations

Paper presented at the 16th European-African Regional Conference of the ISTVS


Title: Ride comfort comparison between 4-poster and straight line driving simulations

Authors: Cor-Jacques Kat and Schalk Els

Abstract: Difference thresholds of whole-body vibration is important to determine perceptibility of changes in a vehicle’s dynamics. Difference thresholds can be used to guide ride comfort improvements. Difference thresholds have been estimated for vertical and multi-axial seat vibration in laboratory settings. It is postulated that estimated difference thresholds in a laboratory setting should be applicable to real world driving conditions given that the stimuli (vibration, noise, visuals, cognitive load, etc.) are similar. This paper considers the stimulus associated with the vehicle’s dynamic response i.e. vibration. The vibration stimulus characteristic of a vehicle on a 4-poster test rig and straight line driving is investigated through simulation. A validated non-linear SUV vehicle model is simulated on a 4-poster test rig and driven in a straight line over road profiles that range from on- to off-road conditions. Each corner of the 4-poster is driven by the vertical road profile associated with that corner. The resulting translational and rotational vibration for all three axes at the driver position make up the vibration stimulus. Based on the level of agreement of the vibration stimulus between the 4-poster and straight line driving, some indication of the applicability of difference thresholds estimated on a 4-poster can be obtained.

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