4681 / Simplified models of terrain-vehicle interaction for real-time applications

Paper presented at the 16th European-African Regional Conference of the ISTVS


Title: Simplified models of terrain-vehicle interaction for real-time applications

Authors: Dávid Körmöczi and Péter Kiss

Abstract: Accurate modeling or simulation of the vehicle-terrain interaction is critical for effective off-road vehicle navigation. While several high-accuracy methods exist (for example FEM simulation) they typically require computational capacity that exceeds what can be installed in a vehicle. Therefore, they are not applicable for real-time off-road vehicle navigation purposes, where computer hardware capacity is limited by the need for onboard installation. To address this challenge, simplified and less detailed models must be developed for real-time applications. This paper compares three different two-dimensional static terrain-vehicle models, considering accuracy and computational capacity requirements. Results of the comparison provide insights into the suitability of each model for real-time navigation of off-road vehicles.

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