16th European-African Regional Conference of the ISTVS
Last updated
16th European-African Regional Conference of the ISTVS
Last updated
10.00 – 15.00 | Pre-Conference Professional Short Course, Room M107, R302
14.00 – 17.00 | ISTVS Board of Directors Meeting, Room M107
18.00 – 21.00 | Ice Breaker Welcome Event, Hotel Ibis Styles (15 mins by bus)
8.00 | Registration
9.00 | Opening ceremony, Auditorium A1 Conference Chair Welcome — Jarosław Pytka President’s Address — Corina Sandu Journal of Terramechanics Editor-in-Chief’s Address — Vladimir Vantsevich
10.00 | Plenary Session, Auditorium A1 Keynote: Prof. Jerzy Lipiec, Institute of Agrophysics, Poland Vehicular traction effects on agriculture: Soil compaction and soil erosion, crop yield. Implications from the perspective of terramechanics
12.00 | Conference photo followed by lunch in Lanczomania
13.00 | Parallel sessions — 3 tracks — Auditorium M107/CT302/R302
14.30 | Break
15.00 | Parallel sessions — 3 tracks — Auditorium M107/CT302/R302
16.30 | Break
17.00 | LUT Off-Road and Military Vehicle Students‘ Projects — Workshop, Prof. L. Gardyński
9.00 | Plenary session, Auditorium A1 Keynote: Stelios Skevakis, Hellenic Technology of Robotics, Greece A novel flexible all-metal wheel for planetary exploration
9.45 | Plenary session, Auditorium A1 Keynote: Dr Andrzej Selenta, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland The Bekker Project
10.30 | Parallel sessions — 3 tracks — Auditorium M107/CT302/R302
12.00 | Lunch in Lanczomania
13.00 | Parallel sessions — 2 tracks — Auditorium M107/R302
14.30 | Break
15.00 | Parallel sessions — 2 tracks — Auditorium M107/R302
16.30 | Closing ceremony and awards
19.00 | Gala dinner — Hotel Ibis Styles
7.30 | Departure
10.00 | Arrival at WITPIS Sulejówek
10.15 | Welcome by MIAAT officer and a short presentation of the programme
10.20 | Presentation of the Institute (indoor)
10.35 | Presentation of the laboratories (outdoor/indoor, talk to test engineers/researchers)
11.30 | Test-show of military vehicles: Jelcz, Tareo, Rosomak (outdoor, in action)
13.00 | Refreshments (Military pea soup + coffee/tea)
13.30 | End and farewell to the participants of the trip
14.00 | Departing from Sulejówek
15.30 | Kazimierz Dolny, lunch in a restaurant
16.00 | Visiting Kazimierz Dolny
18.00 | Departing for Lublin
Hands-on demonstrations of Lublin University of Technology student projects in off-road and military vehicles will be ongoing through the conference. Here are a few examples. See all the projects that will be on display.
Autonomous and robotic systems
Chair: Dr Lutz Richter
Room: M107
Soil compaction I
Chair: Prof. Junya Yamakawa
Room: CT302
Off-road vehicle dynamics
Chair: Prof. Schalk Els
Room: R302
Autonomous and robotic systems II
Chair: Prof. Genya Ishigami
Room: M107
Propulsion systems and engines
Chair: Prof. Rafał Longwic
Room: CT302
Driving systems of off-road vehicles and machines
Chair: Massimo Martelli
Room: R302
Off-road mobility modeling I
Chair: Prof. Corina Sandu
Room: M107
Soil characterization I
Chair: Prof. Peter Kiss
Room: CT302
Metrology in terramechanics
Chair: Prof. Jerzy Józwik
Room: R302
1779 / The development of a dynamic vegetation override pushbar for autonomous ground vehicles
Off-road mobility modeling II
Chair: Prof. Jozsef Koveceses
Room: M107
Soil characterization II
Chair: Tomohiro Watanabe
Room: R302
Soil compaction II
Chair: Dr Loraine ten Damme
Room: M107
Innovative concepts of tires, wheels, and tracks
Chair: Prof. Przemysław Simiński
Room: R302