3280 / Comparison of tweels and pneumatic tires on LTATV military vehicle

Paper presented at the 16th European-African Regional Conference of the ISTVS


Title: Comparison of tweels and pneumatic tires on LTATV military vehicle

Authors: Michael Parker, Clifford Witte, and Allan Wheeler

Abstract: Tire technology and design can have a significant impact on a vehicle’s performance across different surfaces, seasons, and operating environments. Two examples of this are winter tires and airless tires. Winter tires are typically used in the United States in areas where snow and ice are present for a significant portion of the year like in the northern states and Alaska. Similarly, airless tires have recently started to immerge as viable options for skid steers and light utility vehicles like side-by-side vehicles. The military operates in cold regions and austere regions where off-road mobility is paramount and winter tire and airless tire technology could provide a tactical advantage. Airless tires are less susceptible to puncture from difficult terrain conditions, shrap metal, bullets and could be a viable option to run flat tire designs. This research focuses on the performance of a LTATV military vehicle on snow and ice with the standard issue mud and snow nematic tires as compared to studded and standard airless tires.

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